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About H.E.R.S.

The Hollow Earth Research Society (HERS) 
Formally known as the 
International Society for a Complete Earth (ISCE)

Danny L. Weiss, president of the former organization called I.S.C.E. (International Society for a Complete Earth), is the director and CEO of the newly-formed Hollow Earth Research Society (H.E.R.S.).


He has been an intrepid researcher in Hollow Earth lore since his meeting with an ex-German WW II submarine officer in 1976. This officer served on the U-530 which, along with the U-977, reportedly visited the alleged Nazi base in Antarctica just as the war was ending.

Danny Weiss Hollow Earth Research Society
Danny Weiss Hollow Earth Research Society

Danny Weiss Meets the Founder of I.S.C.E.


Danny relates his amazing visit and extensive interview with Ritter von X, his nom de plume, fueled his interest in the Hollow Earth stories that “The Captain” related to him. It was Ritter who encouraged Danny to assume the leadership of the I.S.C.E., an organization that has its roots in the study and validity of The Hollow Earth.


The story of Dan’s interview and the transcript of that eye-opening experience can be found in Dan Weiss’s new book, The Hollow Earth - Revisited. This is a must-read for all those interested in learning about the history of the exploration of the hollow Earth, as well as a fascinating and candid account of his life – warts and all. Dan Weiss is a very sincere, honest man, as readers will attest.


This exclusive interview, coupled with Danny’s extensive enthusiasm for Icelandic history and the Hollow Earth spiritual sagas, fueled Danny’s fascination with the Hollow Earth.


Dan’s brother, David, a historian and writer, has long assisted Danny, first with the I.S.C.E., and now with H.E.R.S. His research has uncovered facets regarding the Hollow Earth and the UFO’s emanating from the Hollow Earth—along with early German bases near the South Pole.


The Weiss brothers make a formidable team.

Danny Weiss Hollow Earth Research Society

David Weiss

The History of H.E.R.S.

The Formation of the I.S.C.E. under Ritter von X

The Hollow Research Society (H.E.R.S.) was formally known as the International Society for a Complete Earth (I.S.C.E.) and was originally founded in 1977 by Captain Ritter von X (an anonymous name at his request). Its members currently lists over 1,000 individuals and encompass nine international groups.


Von X was born in Berlin, Germany, joined the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) in 1943, and was assigned to the Reich Undersea Boat Service, UBoat Flotilla Group, Danzig. He served aboard the U530 until 1945 when his ship formally surrendered at Mar del Plata, Argentina. That year von X participated in a voyage to Antarctica and served as an intermediary in the recovery of the Holy Lance — (the spear that pierced the side of Jesus Christ) in 1969. In 1979, he assisted in the planning of the Hartmann Expedition which journeyed to Antarctica to recover Adolf’s Hitler’s secret treasure.


He is a knight of the Holy Order of Knights and the Sacred Lance. This order has dedicated itself to the course of righteousness directed by the influence of the Holy Lance which represents the power of God. He states that the time will come when the knights will make themselves known to the world. He is the author of The Return of the Holy Lance, Adolf Hitler and the Secrets of the Holy Lance, and Hitler’s Ashes. These books can be purchased from H.E.R.S. Book Shop.


Von X is a citizen and lives in America. His military decorations include the Undersea Boat War badge (comparable to the U.S. Infantry Combat Badge), the Reich Eagle Award, the Iron Cross, and the Knight’s Cross.


The former director of the I.S.C.E.  has seen the inner world as the home of the Nordic race or Arrianni. In the seventies, the I.S.C.E. was based in the mid-west. The Society used as its emblem the crest of the Thule Society: a sword in front of a swastika ringed in oak leaves.


He said the I.S.C.E.’s goal was to enter one of the polar openings and establish contact with the Arianni, the “tall, blond, blue-eyed super race” that rules the inner world. The Arianni, he wrote, spoke “a language very much like German” lived in “cities built of shimmering crystal,” and used their saucers called “Flugelrods” (winged wheel, UFO's) to patrol the skies of the surface world and keep an eye on us.


In a 1978 interview with newspaper columnist, Bob Green, he claimed that his organization’s use of the swastika was a “Nordic Symbol,” and had nothing to do with the Nazis. “As you probably realize”, he told Green, “the swastika has been known in various cultures for thousands of years.” He also said that “people will call us crackpots, will try to ridicule us and even stop us. But we are not crackpots, We are a small group, made up of physicians, engineers, and pilots.”


The I.S.C.E. Comes Under New Leadership


In 1992, Danny Weiss assumed the directorship of the I.S.C.E. He came in contact with former I.S.C.E. director in 1984.


“I’ve been in correspondence with the Ritter for over ten years. I gained a great deal of respect for his knowledge, instruction, and unusual experiences regarding the knowledge of the Hollow Earth, and his contact from the inner earth, a friend to Mankind" says Weiss.

Danny Weiss Hollow Earth Research Society

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