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Danny Weiss Hollow Earth Research Society

About Danny Weiss
In His Own Words...

I began my scientific, psychic, and apolitical journey with my coming of age during the controversial and chaotic Vietnam War. Enlisting as a naïve and idealistic volunteer soldier, I soon experienced the emotional conflict wrought from the clash of inbred patriotism with the mindless destruction and the carnage of too many innocents–collateral damage.


Thus began my lifelong pursuit of spiritual and political truth in myriad forms. I committed the unpardonable sin of questioning the official version of events as presented by the “authorities.” My experiences, thoughts and clairvoyant visions led me to new understandings of how the world and universe works, both practically and spiritually.


My passion for exploration and the real truth behind the veneer of the official, whitewashed story over the past fifty years has confirmed the validity of introspection and a belief in my personal vision. This has led me to extraordinary events and experiences. And still more adventures lie ahead.


My twenty-five year analysis of the theories of a hollow earth was incredibly enhanced by my encounters with some extraordinary people who swore they had personal experience with the hollow Earth, beings who dwelt there and Hitler’s desperate orders to find an entrance.


The stuff of science fiction, though they were convinced it was real. It’s been an incredible ride, much of it documented in my new book, The Hollow Earth–Revisited.


The rest will leak out in notes to subscribers and our loyal readers.



More About Danny

Dan Weiss is an Author, UFO Researcher, Documentary and Feature Film Producer.


The scientific, psychic, and apolitical research of Dan Weiss began with his coming of age during the controversial and confusing Vietnam War. Enlisting as a naive and idealistic volunteer soldier. There began his lifelong pursuit of truth in many forms; spiritual, political as well as his questioning the verities squelched by those in authority. His experiences, thoughts and clairvoyant visions led him to new understandings of how the world and universe works, both practically and spiritually. His passion for the UFO phenomena over his life has launched him into a new age of self-introspection -- leading him through extraordinary and explicit events and experiences.


Danny is the co author of the novel, A Curious Pebble - The Hollow Earth and Pursuit of the Holy Lance and The Hollow Earth Revisited and other short stories. Such as, How To Enter Paradise When Your In Love, The Magic Gift, an anthology of poems from the romantic to the mystical, a compendium of research papers and collection of rare books.


His Researches into the efficacy of Hollow Earth Legends led him to interview and befriend a member of the Nazi submarine U-530, who allegedly delivered the Holy Lance, the lance that was used to pierce the side of Jesus Christ, Hitler's body ashes, and Nazi artifacts to Anarctica in 1945. Much of the novel and screenplay is based on Danny's association with the U-Boat member, (aka Ritter Von X) the family of Admirable Byrd, and extensive Icelandic dialogues regarding Nordic Legends where he maintains a research society at (aka HERS)

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