Hollow Earth
Research Society
Hello Fellow Truth Seeker!
One Hollow Earth Theory or another has surfaced for thousands of years. The concept of a subterranean land inside the Earth has been popular in mythology, folklore and legends from ancient times.
Click below to find out more about the Hollow Earth Research Society (HERS), Hollow Earth theories, Admiral Byrd, published works, scientific data, videos, and other research supporting our ideas.

About Danny
Dan Weiss is an Author, UFO Researcher and Documentary Film Producer.
The scientific, psychic, and apolitical research of author Danny Weiss began with his coming of age during the controversial and confusing Vietnam War. Enlisting as a naive and idealistic volunteer soldier, There began his lifelong pursuit of truth in many forms; spiritual, political as well as his questioning the verities squelched by those in authority. His experiences, thoughts and clairvoyant visions led him to new understandings of how the world and universe works, both practically and spiritually. His passion for the UFO phenomena over his life has launched him into a new age of self-introspection -- leading him through extraordinary and explicit events and experiences.